Thursday, June 12, 2008

2008 Reunion

We had a wonderful reunion last weekend here in the Salt Lake Valley.  Thanks to Marilee for hosting Friday night.  The dinner turned out great, and the auction was FANTASTIC!!  I think everyone will agree that the movie and treats for kids will definitely need to be repeated (thanks to Amberly for the movie idea!!!)

I was unable to take very many pictures, but I did take a few.  I will post them soon.  If any of you have pictures from either day, please let me know.  I'll add you as an author, and you can post them for everyone to see!

Thank you all for supporting our Reunion - we sure missed those who weren't there.  But we will looking forward to our next one!!!

Check back soon for added pictures, including the group shot that Christian took!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Updated Reunion Info

I hope you are all looking forward to our reunion in about a month. I will be sending out an official invite/reminder postcard this weekend to everyone. Stick it up where it can be seen, and mark your calendar - we have some fun things planned. Also, please be thinking about the AUCTION!!! It will be that Friday, June 6th!! Our auction last reunion has enabled us to have most of the meals paid for this year, and entrance into one of the activities, so it is being put to great use! (any questions about the auction - see earlier post or email me)
Next week a more detailed flyer will be posted here and probably emailed to all!

Also, if you haven't paid for your auction items from last reunion, and would still like your amount to help this year, please send it to Aunt Jeanne ASAP - so we can plan on it!!

I can't wait to see everyone, take care.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Getting Closer

I'm so excited that I've heard from some of you about the reunion. We are so excited to get things finalized. I appreciate everyone's willingness to help in getting this all together!! Check back often, as details are getting finalized.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

2008 Numbers

Hi everyone!

I hope this finds you all well and happy - looking forward to spring like me!! We are needing to find out how many people are planning on the reunion in June. We would like to get some final numbers so that we can finalize our planning. So please respond to your family representatives and they will forward the info on to me. Or you could post a comment here in our blog. Thanks so much!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2008 Auction

We are continuing on with the tradition (can you call it that yet?)!! So start now to get ready for our 2008 Auction!! If you were not able to attend or participate in the auction last time, you are in for a big treat!! To get more info, or details, you can talk to those family members who did attend. For those of you who were there, I think you'll agree that it was pretty exciting!
We don't know what day/night the auction will be yet, but we are up for any and all suggestions.
Remember, any questions just comment or send over an email to me or your family rep!
Tips to remember about auction donations and rules:
  • homemade/craft items welcome
  • 'services rendered' are welcome as well (last time we bought graphic design time from Christian, and that year he designed our Christmas card)
  • you will have about 1 year from the date of the auction to pay for your items
  • Money earned will go toward the next reunion

2006 Auction Update

We are still collecting auction money from our last reunion. If you haven't paid yet, please send your money in. Remember:
Make checks payable to:
Johnson Reunion Fund
Send checks to:
Jeanne Black
11610 S. Dry Creek Rd.
Sandy, UT 84094
If you do not have your information anymore, please either comment here, or email me with any questions, and I will get back to you!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Renae was in town...

We had a fun cousin gathering while Renae was in town with her family back in January. Jeri hosted a lunch up at her house in Farmington. We had to postpone it one day because of a big storm, but the next day we made it! We missed those of you who were unable to come! But we had a great time seeing Renae's twins and just having a fun afternoon catching up!
Meet Avery and Presley Syrett
Here are some '2nd' cousins having some dress up fun in Jeri's basement, while their mom's chat upstairs!
(Kenton Jeppson - back, Caleb Syrett, Isaac Johanson, Molly and Rachel Larsen)
Grandma Joy, Alisha Johnson, Jeri Larsen, Cheri Matsen, Maureen Matsen, Erin Johanson, Amberly Jeppson, Renae Syrett
Renae, Aunt Joneen, and Grandma Joy

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Family Representatives for the Reunion

I just wanted to update all of you on who your family reps are for the reunion this summer!

Joneen: Jeri Larsen
Ken: Melissa Johnson
Wendy: Christian Riggs
Judy: Tricia Cope
Jeanne: Amberly Jeppson

Over the next few months, we will be collecting info, planning and communicating with you mostly through the blog and your family rep! So keep checking the blog for info and updates.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Welcome, welcome!!

I am so excited to get this blog up and running. I felt like this could be a great way to keep in touch, and communicate about our Family Reunion - this summer! For those of you who are not familiar with a blog (actually for those who are as well) I am making this blog anonymous - just at first. I have given you the address through email, and hopefully you will all take a look. Then after everyone has visited the blog, I will turn it into one that only we as family members will be able to view. You will get a formal invite through Blogger. It is safer that way, only those of us who are registered AND invited will be able to view our family blog!
The first item of business - to annouce the date of our reunion!!

June 5-7, 2008
(Thursday - Saturday, Utah)
Obviously, we have not made final detailed plans. But I hope you can all put this on your calendar, and plan your other summer events around it! All of us that attended our 2006 reunion know what a wonderful time we had. I hope we can pass our excitment around, and get even more of our family members excited for this one. There will be more details to come. I am first trying to get everyone's updated emails, so that I can send everyone an invite to the blog. If anyone knows of a very recent change in a family members info - just make a comment under this post and I will get it!
So put this blog in your favorites window - there will be updates pretty often, including posts that I need feedback on, so check it! Especially when we get things finalized for the reunion!!
Thanks, I'm so excited for a great 2008!